Coming 2025!
In the animated short film Henrietta Finds a Nest, a young chick named Henrietta embarks on a heartwarming journey from neglect at a factory farm to friendship with a little girl. With tender moments, gentle humor, and a timeless message of connection, this six-minute tale invites audiences of all ages to embrace the magic of friendship and the power of compassion. A film by Mighty Oak.
Find out more information here!
Designer and Director Hannah McNally
Writers Matthew Scheer, Diana McCorry
Executive Producers Leah Garcés, Matthew Scheer, Michaela Olsen, Emily Collins, Daniel Shepard
Producers Megan Barbour, Chloe Devine, Kelsey Usher
Music Cat Head Noise
Animators Joumana Ismail, Flora Caulton, Martha Halliday, Eric Larson, Jessica Milazzo, Hannah McNally, Christine Le, Sabrina Chaney
Cleanup Artists Ke Ren, Hannah O’Brien
Compositors Hannah McNally, Sabrina Chaney, 
Alejandro De Hoyos-Lechuga
Storyboard Artists Hannah McNally, Christine Le, Nivedita Sekar
Background Artists Lili Jimenez, Laura Correal
Sound Designer Chris Mastellone
Graphics Liz Klein DiBello, Alejandro De Hoyos-Lechuga
Postproduction Assistant Anthony Galante

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